Frequently Asked Questions

Important Notes:

  • The Hort Innovation Constitution can be found at in new window
  • Unless otherwise indicated, a reference in this document to…
    • A levy includes a reference to both a statutory levy and a Producer Contribution, and
    • A levy payer/levy paying Member includes a reference to a Hort Innovation Member who has paid either a statutory levy or Producer Contributions
    • Producer Contribution means the amount paid in each year to a Collective Industry Fund (CIF) by or on behalf of a Producer Contribution payer who or which is a participant in that CIF. CIFs are currently established for the almond, blueberry, pistachio, pyrethrum and processing tomato industries (almond in addition to the industry’s statutory levy). Hort Innovation communications typically refer to Producer Contributions as voluntary levies.
1. What is an Annual Levy Return?Collapsed
2. Why do I need to complete an Annual Levy Return?Collapsed
3. Who in my company should complete the Annual Levy Return?Collapsed
4. I completed an Annual Levy Return last year. Why do I have to do it again?Collapsed
5. Do I need to complete an Annual Levy Return for each of 2020/21, 2021/22 and 2022/23?Collapsed
6. I cannot find the horticultural product I grow on the Annual Levy Return. Why?Collapsed
7. How do I know if I pay a levy or a Producer Contribution?Collapsed
8. I pay a levy on behalf of other growers, does that make me eligible to vote?Collapsed
9. Who is Link Market Services and why I am sending my Annual Levy Return to them?Collapsed
10. How long do I have to submit my Annual Levy Return?Collapsed
11. What will the information I provide in the Annual Levy Return be used for?Collapsed
12. How are voting rights calculated?Collapsed
13. How much levy do I need to pay to be allocated voting rights?Collapsed
14. When will I find out how many votes I have?Collapsed