Hi , this is your opportunity to share in Fortescue’s success

The December 2024 invitation period is now close

As we continue to build a company which we are proud of, our employee salary sacrifice plan is a great way to become part owners of Fortescue and share in our success.

Apply now

How it works

Salary Sacrifice

Tax effective way to purchase up to A$5,000 Fortescue shares per year. Use pre-tax income rather than after-tax income.

Flexible tax deferral

You can choose your tax deferral period between 3 and 15 years.

No brokerage fees

No brokerage costs are payable when you purchase shares via the SSSP.

Share in the future growth of the company

As well as benefiting from any share price growth, you will also earn dividends and have voting rights.


You are eligible to participate in the SSSP if you are a full-time/part-time permanent employee of Fortescue or a fixed term employee for at least 12 months. You will also need to be an Australian resident for tax purposes, and still an employee as at the date the shares are purchased on your behalf.

Purchasing and ownership

You can choose to salary sacrifice between $1,000 to $5,000 per annum which will be taken from your pay in equal monthly amounts.

Similarly, shares will be purchased for you on a monthly basis. You will receive all the benefits of being a Fortescue shareholder including dividends and voting rights.

Flexible tax deferral

Income tax on the purchase of your shares can be deferred from 3 to 15 years, depending on the non-disposal period you elect. This is conditional upon you keeping your shares during the period and remaining a Fortescue employee.

Generally, you will be taxed on the market value of your shares at the end of the non-disposal period.

Offer periods

To participate in the SSSP or make any changes to your election, you will need to do it online during the two offer periods:

1 June – 30 June

1 December – 31 December

To accept the offer, click ‘Apply now’ during the open period and you’ll be taken to the Investor Centre where you can choose your annual purchase amount and non-disposal period.

Apply now

Key dates

Step 1

1 - 31 December 2024

Apply online before offer closed 5pm WST on 31 December 2024.

Step 2

January 2025

First pay deductions commence January 2025 and continue monthly.

Step 3

January 2025

Receive your shares monthly commencing January 2025.

MyShare calculator

How many shares can I purchase?

You can choose to salary sacrifice between $1,000 and $5,000 per annum (in increments of $100) which will be deducted from your pay in equal monthly amounts. This will be used to purchase your shares monthly. The residual contribution balance will be added to the next month’s purchase.

If I salary sacrifice...

$ per annum

Purchase price:

$16.01 as at 4:00PM 28/03/2025

My contribution per month will be:


Residual contribution:


(this will be added to your next contribution)

Estimated number of shares purchased in the month:

Estimated value of shares purchased in the month:


This calculator provides an estimate only, based on the current share price. The number of shares purchased each month will vary, based on the purchase price of the shares. For more information about Fortescue shares past performance, please click hereOpens in new window .

Frequently asked questions

What is the Salary Sacrifice Share Plan (SSSP)?Collapsed
Why does Fortescue offer the SSSP?Collapsed
Who is eligible?Collapsed
Do I have to pay tax on my shares?Collapsed
How many shares will I receive each month?Collapsed
How do I participate in the offer?Collapsed
How do I change the annual amount being deducted?Collapsed
How do I change the non-disposal period on future purchases?Collapsed
How do I stop my contributions?Collapsed
What if I cease employment during the non-disposal period?Collapsed
What are the risks of participating in the SSSP?Collapsed
Who can I contact?Collapsed