

What was the Entitlement Offer?Collapsed
What was the Retail Entitlement Offer?Collapsed
Am I an Eligible Retail Shareholder?Collapsed
Ineligible Retail ShareholdersCollapsed
What were my options as an Eligible Retail Shareholder?Collapsed
Retail Entitlements tradingCollapsed
ASX quotation of EntitlementsCollapsed
Why was Westpac raising capital and what is the impact of the Entitlement Offer on Westpac?Collapsed
Dividends on New Shares and rankingCollapsed
ASX and NZX quotation of New SharesCollapsed

Retail Entitlement Offer Booklet

Download Booklet

My current Westpac share balance

Find Balance

My current Westpac employee share balance

Find Balance

Renunciation and Transfer Form


Appendix E
