Page 19 - Annual Report 2014
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We have expanded our collaborations with other content which stands for Innovation, Investment and Incubation,
partners to produce programming to educate the young is charged with finding new trends, new partners, new
and entertain the seniors. We have also introduced markets and new platforms from which we can build
more StarHub TV Anywhere channels, which gives our a meaningful business for the future. In April 2014, i3
subscribers the convenience of watching what they launched the world’s first telco-backed, rewards-based
want, where they want, when they want. crowd-funding platform to help entrepreneurs and their
start-ups get things going in a faster way.
We are pleased that our subscribers are receptive
to what we are offering. The 2013 Media Consumer Sustainability
Experience Study done by the Media Development In 2014, we further strengthened our sustainability
Authority of Singapore (MDA) puts StarHub TV as tops performance. Talent management and engagement,
for satisfaction in variety of content, as well as for mobile accessibility, empowerment of the less
quality of content. privileged, employee education and engagement
for environmental activities, emissions and waste
After the Next Gen NBN industry framework was reduction, and stakeholder engagement were important
implemented, barrier of entry was lowered significantly. sustainability focus areas.
New competition waded in. The smaller players have
tried to gain share quickly by competing on price. We are StarHub continued to champion mobile accessibility
countering this by offering our subscribers better value, with ‘4G4Good’, an initiative to encourage StarHub
with innovative new products like the Dual Broadband Mobile post-paid customers to pledge their unused
plans giving them both fibre and cable access. talk time, mobile data and SMS in support of selected
charities. We began a year-long contribution to ISCOS’
2015 will be the year Singapore launches into this year- Gift of Hope, providing mobile access to ex-offenders.
long SG50 celebration of the nation’s independence We extended SmartBuddy—a special mobile plan initially
since 1965. With funding granted by the MDA, we offered to the visually and hearing impaired—to Persons
have started the production of nine Public Sector With Disabilities. 2014 also saw greater stakeholder
programmes, which will start showing from early 2015. involvement in our social outreach activities.
Be it dramas, reality shows or documentaries, these
programmes have the common theme of promoting We are pleased to have further improved our ranking
social values with a Singaporean identity. in the Corporate Knights’ Global 100 list of the world’s
most sustainable companies, by climbing to the 29th
Our new division, i3, set up in February 2013, has position in 2014, from 66th in 2013. This result, which
progressed beyond the first gear in 2014. This team,
Our StarHub 2015 Strategy mobile We will continue to enhance pay tv
our rich breadth and depth of
We expanded the post-paid base 65K content. In 2014, we offered 67
by 65,200, partly contributed by over 225 channels, including
our ability to serve our customers Post-paid 67 HD ones. HD Channels
well, especially enterprise ones. Net Adds
We will continue to do so in 2015.
16 many lives of hubbing