Page 27 - Annual Report 2014
P. 27

in discussion with
starhub's management

Our HomeHub multi-service plans are well
received by our customers.

Tong Hai                                                    across all service providers, and the shift in the users’
                                                            consumption pattern – more data, less voice. In view of the
Q>                                                          change, we will offer more data in our pre-paid packages.

How has 2014 been for StarHub and                           Upcoming in 2015, you may be aware of the possibility         ranked
what can we expect looking ahead?                           of a spectrum auction. StarHub has sufficient spectrum
                                                            to run its operations. But spectrum is an important asset,   29th
A>                                                          and we will look to participate in whatever spectrum
                                                            auctions are held.                                            in the list of the
Our business has stood up to the test despite                                                                             world’s most
the challenges in the Singapore market with new             Seven years after the competitor started competing with       sustainable
competition appearing in the broadband and OTT              its TV offering, we are pleased to note that StarHub TV       company
spaces, as well as new regulatory changes.                  is still the leader. MDA’s Media Consumer Experience
                                                            study even puts us tops in terms of variety and quality
Our over-arching strategy has, and will be, Hubbing.        of programming, ahead of other media platforms.
This strategy has served us well, offering customers
convenience and value. The number of triple-service         We continued to enhance our rich depth and breadth
households in 2014 was up 6% from 2013 to 242,000.          of content; offering over 225 channels, including 67
In 2010, the corresponding number was only 200,000.         HD ones. We have also extended over 100 channels
                                                            to our StarHub TV Anywhere platform, allowing our
We want to bring Hubbing to the next level as we look       subscribers to view their favourite content anytime,
at the integration of the two customer segments –           anywhere on their favourite mobile device.
consumers and business users, coined ‘bizsumers’.
A business customer who uses our Fixed Network              Our two-way interactive set-top boxes are in about 90%
services for his company is also a mobile subscriber,       of our pay TV customer base. With this, we are able to
a pay TV and home broadband user. We see the                have an accurate picture of the consumption patterns
hubbing of work and lifestyle and how StarHub can           and popularity of the content, and use the data to help
enhance both areas, and the opportunities to generate       manage our content costs.
‘pull-through’ revenues from this intersection.
                                                            The Next Gen NBN framework has made it easier for
Mobile remains our biggest division by far in terms of      new entrants to come and compete in the residential
contribution to our overall revenue and profitability. The  fibre broadband space, albeit largely on price. Despite
year saw us doing carrier aggregation and enhancing         competition, our churn rate has been kept low at 1.0%
the mobile network to LTE-Advanced; offering data           for the year. We have also managed to increase our
speeds of up to 300Mbps and VoLTE. In September, we         customer base to 469,000 households.
introduced our new generation of post-paid 4G plans,
which saw some upward price adjustments. This should        This is contributed by our Hubbing strategy. Our
help improve the revenue in 2015. The same month, we        HomeHub multi-service plans, which include broadband
also became the first local operator and in South East      access, TV channels, mobile broadband and even home
Asia to offer 4G voice calls on the new iPhones.            phone lines, are well received by our customers.

For the year, we expanded the post-paid base by 65,200      We are also capitalising on our exclusive cable network
customers to 1.28 million and kept the churn rate low at    assets. To this end, we introduced the Dual Broadband
0.9%. This, we believe, is partly the result of being able  plans, combining both cable and fibre broadband
to serve our customers well, especially the enterprise      access into a single package. No longer will multi-room
subscribers. And we will continue to do so in 2015.         Wi-Fi access be an issue, nor will there be angst in the
                                                            unlikely event one network goes down.
In 2014, we witnessed our pre-paid business slowing
down, partially contributed by the new regulatory policy;
each person can only hold three pre-paid SIM cards

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