Page 99 - Annual Report 2014
P. 99
investor relations
Ever since we listed on the SGX-ST back in
October 2004, our commitment to good corporate
governance has never wavered.
Our IR team, led by our CEO, holds this we make sure our message is clear and Investors’ and Shareholders’
firm and strong belief that it is our duty consistent, giving them plenty of visibility Perceptions
to communicate with all shareholders and assurance. We are constantly looking at ways to
effectively and regularly. We are improve our IR activities. One way is
committed to making timely, full and For example, since FY2005, we have by trying to measure the effectiveness
accurate disclosure to all shareholders. been paying quarterly dividends. We of our engagements with the investor
appreciate that our dividend payout is community. We have hired an independent
We run an active IR programme, spanning a key reason why many investors stay research firm, to gather both qualitative
the whole gamut of activities from with us throughout the overall market views and quantitative responses from
quarterly briefings to presentations and cycles. Therefore, we have made it a point key opinion leaders within this field. Based
meetings with the financial community. to share our visibility on the amount of on the analysis, our Board and senior
In 2014, we met over 240 investors in dividends we plan to pay, as well as what management would then try to make the
some 200 meetings. While our business is influences our decision in case we make necessary improvements.
largely domestic, our shareholders’ base any changes, like reserves, free cash flows
is international and our IR activities reflect and earnings. To complement and acquire a clearer
that. While some of these meetings were picture of our shareholders’ profile,
held in our home base Singapore, we have +480% we would perform a share registry
met up with many investors and analysts Cumulative TSR analysis after every quarter’s results.
in key financial hubs like London and New since FY2005 The shareholders’ profile has shown
York too. In 2014, we added Copenhagen that outside Singapore, the other top
and Stockholm. We have recognised early that there are geographical regions where our investors
some investors who have a mandate to are based in are in Asia, the UK and USA.
As info-communications is a fast-moving only own stakes in companies that meet
industry, some investors do have ad-hoc certain criteria in sustainability. Our overall Accolades and
queries. To this end, we address their corporate social responsibility (CSR) acknowledgments
queries and make our senior management programme includes plenty of related We are glad to have received a steady
team available when possible, instead of projects and initiatives, which are visible stream of awards – including at the
making them wait till the next quarterly ways we demonstrate our commitment to regional and global levels, acknowledging
results announcement. the wider community. We believe there is our commitment in IR. In the 2014 SIAS
a very comfortable intersection between Investors’ Choice Award, we were named
Our quarterly earnings calls see active what these investors require, and what winner of the ‘Most Transparent Company,
participation by the media, as well as both we are already doing. More details are Services Category’. Jeannie Ong was
analysts and fund managers alike. Over included in our sustainability report. named ‘Best IR Professional in Singapore’,
the years, we have built a great rapport at the Asian Excellence Recognition Awards
with many of them. On one hand, we For the fourth consecutive year, we have 2014 organised by Corporate Governance
present the StarHub story; on the other included a sustainability report, which will Asia. She also won the ‘Best IR Officer’ in IR
hand, they help us better understand not just be a list of CSR activities, but a Magazine’s South East Asia awards for the
how else we can improve our standing report that gives a bigger picture of our risk third consecutive year in 2014.
in various aspects like finance, strategy management and operational impacts.
and operations. This is done via an In the same year, we were included in the
independent perception study. ‘Global Top 50 IR’ awards organised by
London-based IR Magazine. This puts
Besides the usual presentation decks, us in the same category as global giants
financial statements, we have also made with market values many folds of ours.
it easy for investors or any interested In the same awards, Jeannie was also
party to check back in at a later date named runner-up in the ‘Global Top IRO’,
with recordings of the calls and even for companies with market value below
transcripts of the sessions. Regardless US$7.5 billion.
of how we engage our shareholders,
96 many lives of hubbing