Page 82 - Annual Report 2014
P. 82
StarHub’s Green Policy, refreshed in 2013, focuses on Climate Change Overview
minimising the most material environmental impacts of We support Singapore’s vision of creating a climate
our operations. Energy, greenhouse gas emissions and resilient global city that is well positioned for green growth. Strategy
waste are our most material impacts.
We recognise the potential impacts of climate change
Our approach is to continuously assess, review, on Singapore that may include sea level rise, affected
prioritise and reduce the most material environmental water resources, biodiversity risks, effects on public
impacts across our business. Several of our health, urban heat island effect and food security. We
environmental initiatives are designed to encourage also understand potential risks for our business if these
active participation of our employees and customers. impacts materialise.
StarHub’s main office is located at Ubi in StarHub As a responsible business, we are directing our climate Performance
Green. This Green Mark Gold-certified building which change mitigation efforts in the areas of emissions
continues to save energy and water while providing reduction, energy efficiency, green building, reducing
superior indoor air quality and environment for the and recycling waste, water conservation and promoting
employees. individual action.
At the core of the StarHub Green Policy is the six-point We have been upgrading our telecom infrastructure
commitment we have made to protect the environment. to adopt energy efficient technologies. To promote
The six-point commitments include: individual action, we are implementing programmes
to encourage environmental volunteering by our
employees. Over the years, we have actively engaged Governance
our customers in e-waste recycling to minimise impact
on the environment.
six-point commitments
01 03 05 Financials
Minimise the environmental Reduce our environmental impact by Employee education
impact of our operations. efficiently using resources, saving to raise environmental
Continually review our
goals and commitment energy, reducing waste, encouraging awareness.
to protect the global material recycling, minimising
emissions of greenhouse gases and
ozone-depleting substances, and using
environmentally friendly materials.
02 04 06
Adhere to environmental Minimise environmental Disclosure of environmental
recommendations by the loads by adopting information and support of
environmental conservation
relevant authorities. environmentally friendly
technologies. initiatives.
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