Page 83 - Annual Report 2014
P. 83

sustainability report 2014

Our Environment

Our Performance                                   Greenhouse gas emissions                              – Case Study –
Energy                                            Electricity, diesel and petrol are the main
Data centres, base stations, offices and          sources of our organisational carbon            StarHub Customers
transport are the main sources of our             footprint. Reducing use of energy and
energy consumption. Our strategy is to take       continuously improving energy efficiency are    Save The
measures that reduce energy consumption.          the key approaches we have to minimise our      Planet
These include employee awareness, adopting        carbon footprint.
energy efficient technologies and using                                                           StarHub customers can also do
renewable energy.                                 Ozone-depleting fugitive emissions              their part to conserve and protect
                                                  Our ozone-depleting fugitive emissions,         the environment.
Energy efficiency has improved in our data        attributed to the use of refrigerant R22 in
centres as we have taken steps to improve         air-conditioning equipment, amounted to 807     For instance, they can use
the cabling management and air-conditioning       tonnes CO2e in 2014 as against 984 tonnes       their StarHub Rewards points
equipment.                                        in the prior year. We are in the process of     to redeem a tax-deductible $5
                                                  phasing out the use of R22 in favour of lower   donation to World Wide Fund
In 2014, adoption of energy efficient             impact alternatives.                            for Nature (Singapore) Limited
technologies helped reduce electricity                                                            Conservation Fund as part of the
consumption at our mobile base transceiver        Waste                                           StarHub Rewards Redemption
stations (BTS), which account for roughly         We follow the classical “Reduce, Reuse and      for Charity programme. $28,445
25% of all electricity use, by 1% despite the     Recycle” approach to manage our operational     worth of donations were
fact that the network elements increased by       waste. Paper and packaging waste are the        redeemed by StarHub customers
16.9%. The drop in electricity consumption        main types of waste generated at our offices.   in 2014.
was achieved even as we increased the total       Our recycling programme also encourages
site count and network element for 3G to          our customers to recycle their after-use        Our paperless billing system at
meet IDA’s Quality of Service (QoS) standards     mobile phones and TV equipment such as set      our retail shops, printing out bills
and added new LTE 1800 and LTE 2600 sites         top boxes and remote controls.                  only for customers who request a
to meet coverage and capacity requirements.       Our efforts have resulted in lower waste        hard copy for retention, saves us
                                                  year-on-year.                                   over 22 tonnes of paper
Renewable energy                                                                                  each year.
The two solar-powered mobile BTS located          In 4Q14, we conducted an exercise to
at our main office building and on the roof       consolidate waste bins at StarHub Green,        My StarHub app, a mobile
of IKEA Store at Alexandra Road continue to       to discourage general waste and promote a       app available on both the iOS
offset fossil fuel energy. We also have a solar-  recycling behaviour amongst employees.          and Android platforms, allows
powered BTS-enabled vehicle used to boost         This resulted in the removal of 700 waste bins  customers to go paperless
signal strength.                                  from StarHub Green. The waste bins were         and view their account details,
                                                  sent for recycling.                             like billing information, on
                                                                                                  their mobile devices at their

                                                                                                  MyStarHub e-bill is an initiative
                                                                                                  to encourage customers to
                                                                                                  switch from receiving printed
                                                                                                  bills to electronic statements.
                                                                                                  Some 94,779 billing accounts
                                                                                                  were on the scheme as of 31
                                                                                                  December 2014.

Detailed Emissions Summary (CO2e tons)             2014    2013   2012
Emission Sources                                      87    148    121
Scope 1                                                     639    641
Stationary Combustion                               600     255
Mobile Combustion                                   494   1,042       0
Fugitive emissions (refrigerant gases)            1,181            762
Total Scope 1 emissions
Scope 2                                           53,444  57,342  60,077
Purchased electricity                             53,444  57,342  60,077
Total Scope 2 emissions                           54,624  58,383  60,839
Total CO2e emission

80 many lives of hubbing
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88