Page 48 - Annual Report 2014
P. 48

hubbing in review                                                                                                       Overview

  Entertainment & SmartLife

Technology has advanced,                                 Your User Experience                                           Strategy
lifestyles have changed,                                 As we offer better bundled services, we have taken
and along with it, customers’                            steps to ensure our customers get to enjoy a better            Performance
expectations. The viewing                                user experience too. We recognise that the TV viewing
of TV is no longer restricted                            experience is no longer confined to the living room            Governance
to that big screen in the                                with eyes glued to that big flat screen hanging off the
living room. With our home and mobile                    wall. Notebooks, tablets and phablets are increasingly         Financials
                                                         popular ways in which consumers catch-up on
broadband networks, entertainment can be enjoyed         their favourite shows. StarHub TV Anywhere offers
literally anywhere. Entertainment & SmartLife conveys    this mobility and is continually being enhanced to
the focus on enabling smart living and delivering        provide the customers a seamless and simple viewing
immersive experiences.                                   experience on their choice screen.

Our Integrated Proposition                               Not only are we constantly introducing a growing
First introduced in October 2013, HomeHub is a range     number of channels, technology has allowed us to
of integrated plans offering smartly-packaged bundle of  extend StarHub TV Anywhere to other platforms too like
services, including high-speed broadband connectivity,   on Windows and Xbox, the popular gaming platform
up to 67 TV channels, unlimited local telephone calls    whose voice navigation and gyro-features can be used
and mobile broadband access. In 2014, we reinforced      for a more interactive experience. As we steadily add
the message that our HomeHub plans offer the best in     more on-demand content to the library, the number of
value, convenience, programming and entertainment        unique users of this platform has increased healthily
to our customers. To sweeten the deal further, we        too. The word ‘viewers’, with its passive content
also added Video-On-Demand content as part of the        consumption connotation, is no longer an accurate
packages. We are pleased to have chalked up good         term to describe our customers.
growth rates and bring ‘hubbing’ to more households
than before.                                             If there are better products and technologies that can
                                                         offer our subscribers a better experience, we will try to
Entertainment &SmartLife                                 introduce them. We have revamped the user interface
                                                         across our set-top box and OTT platforms. This is

Channel     29%                   Pay TV Revenue       542K           $390M         The Pay TV
mix                                                                                 and Broadband
high-       HD                    2011^ $377m        +1.7%           +1.0%          businesses saw an
speed                             2012^ $396m              Pay TV         Pay TV    increase in both their
plans mix   71%                   2013^ $386m        Households YoY   Revenue YoY   respective customer
                                  2014 $390m                                        bases. Low churn
            SD                                                                      rates were also

            24%                   Broadband Revenue    469K            $202M

            Non-high              2011^ $243m        +4.8%           -16.5%
            speed                                       Broadband        Broadband
                                  2012^ $251m        Households YoY    Revenue YoY
            76%                   2013^ $242m

            speed 2014 $202m

^ Restated

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